Ingrid Nichols Attends the 2018 Upper Valley Go Red for Women Luncheon

Lake Sunapee Bank hosted Ingrid Nichols at the 5th Annual Go Red for Women Luncheon. The Go Red for Women Luncheon is an event hosted by the American Heart Association to engage the Upper Valley community to bring awareness to and support women’s heart health. Heart disease still remains the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. They hosted two educational breakout sessions:

Practical Advice for Living Heart Healthy Lifestyle – Presented by Mary McGowan, MD

Interventional Cardiology and Stroke Neurology: Overlapping Venn Diagrams – Presented by Tim Lukovits, MD

They also had an amazing silent auction with dozens of great things to bid on and it was hosted as an online bidding platform.  The online auction allowed you to see your bid, and see when you were outbid so you could up your bid!  It was a great new technological way to increase donations and it was fun!


The speakers at the event were amazing and included the new CEO of Dartmouth, Dr. Joann Conroy as well as an amazing speaker who read about Shelley Lynch, who lives in West Lebanon, NH and her remarkable life story. It truly was a “heart-felt” luncheon with no dry eyes in the audience!

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