A Day of Giving Thanks

Ingrid Nichols, Tom Daniels and Jennifer Darling attended Spaulding Youth Center’s Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, November 13th.  Also in attendance were staff, students, volunteers, local fire and police and community members to help kick off the Thanksgiving spirit.

Banwell Architects designed the Spaulding Education Center in 2007 and are continuing to work with the SYC on an overall campus master plan. We thoroughly enjoyed the traditional Thanksgiving dinner prepared by the dining service staff and served by the amazing students of the Spaulding Youth Center.  As part of the activities we were asked to write down, on a paper turkey feather, what we are greatful for to add to their giant turkey on the wall in the dining room. CEO and President James R. Clements gave an uplifting Speech thanking all of the people that made the festivities possible and went around the room asking what people were grateful for. Overall a wonderful way to start off the holiday season.


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