Miccal McMullan, Ingrid Nichols and Jules Chatot recently attended the DEW Construction Corp. ground breaking ceremony for Barre City Place. The event kicks off the start of what some say is the next stage of the city’s remarkable renaissance. Barre City Place will be a four-story, 80,000-square-foot mixed-use building on Main Street in downtown Barre. DEW Properties, LLC will own the building and is the lead developer on the project.
The groundbreaking ceremony on January 30 was attended by Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin, Barre Mayor Thom Lauzon, and City Manager Steven Mackenzie and many other digni\ataries from the local area. Governor Shumlin said Barre City Place is a model for future city renovation projects across the country.
Barre City Place is valued over $16 million and is expected to be completed by the spring of 2014. Tenants will be the RehabGYM, a physical rehabilitation facility, will occupy part of the first floor, Vermont’s Department of Education, Agency of Human Services and Central Vermont Medical Center Administrative offices. At this point Barre City Place has two spec spaces on the first floor.
Banwell designed the main street façade to blend in with existing historic buildings using brick and locally quarried granite.

People in photo—
(Pictured left to right): Mike Francis, DEW; Jeff Davis, DEW; Mike Canavan, DEW; John Benson, Dubois & King Engineers; Allen Haggerty, DEW; Don Wells, DEW; Governor Peter Shumlin; Barre City Mayor Thom Lauzon, Steve MacKenzie, Barre City; Jules Chatot, Banwell Architects; Miccal McMullin, Banwell Architects; Ingrid Moulton Nichols, Banwell Architects
Barre city place rendering by Banwell Architects and ORW Landscape Architects and Planners